Thursday 19 March 2009

Evaluating my contribution to, Production
i was an actress and director
i did very well in my roles as actress and director
because i had to act something out then have to re do it because
its not good or something goes wrong.
other people who was in the film:
Adesh was the main person.
and Dan was the camera man.
Nathan was an actor.

for our next film i would do the same and be two workers for the film
or something else.
Evaluating my contribution to, Planning and Pre Production

For helping us do our chase sequence we used story bored for our one

we also wrote out documents of what the camera would be doing and movements people would have. by my self i made decisions of what people will wear and how they will acted also the name of the film and what will happen in it.
I think my work was OK and is funny, the shots and the way people acted in it was awesome !
all the paper work we did for it is very good even tho i had to do it three times.
most of the paper work we had to change because of new ideas the pictures for the story Bord's are alright because we had only little time to do it, same with the film because one of our members dropped out so we had to find a new person , But we finished it in the end witch was alright.
Also it was difficult because people was getting in the way even tho we put a media sign up witch was stressful.

Friday 27 February 2009

friday 24th febuary

zombie la,la land!

the scene's we filmed was the smoking are bit where he is smoking a joint.

2nd scene was walking up the stairs seeing a friend.
3rd scene was looking in the class room as a zombie.
all of them was ok doing the stairs bit was the hardest because people walked in front of the camera.
but the other to was good.

the whole filming was ok but even tho we put up a sign people still walking in front of the camera making us do more filming witch was stressing.

Thursday 26 February 2009



Scene No: 5 Day/Time

Location 4th floor

Skate bored, fake blood

Characters: jimmy, zombie, Alfred (rat)

Description of Scene: (Please explain what happens in this scene)
At the end scene it’s a M.L.S of jimmy (Pritesh) he lifts up his sleeve and see a hand print on his arm so he don’t know if its real or not

Director/Camera Dan. f

P/A Dan.f

Sound Dan. f

Lighting Dan.f

Pritesh, Jenna



Scene No: 4 Day/Time

Location 4th floor

Skate bored, fake blood

Characters: jimmy, zombie, Alfred (rat)

Description of Scene: (Please explain what happens in this scene)
Pritesh running down corridors from zombie, close ups of there feet running down stairs then the Zombie grabs him on the arm.

Director/Camera Dan. f

P/A Dan.f

Sound Dan. f

Lighting Dan.f

Pritesh, Jenna

Additional information about how the scene will be filmed
The scene will be filmed with one camera from different angels filming feet running and zombie runny down corridors then the zombie will grab him and he film a MLS of the zombies hand holding his arm, then we will film pritish sitting in his class room and a close up of his arm and a hand print is on it.



Scene No: 3 Day/Time

Location class room

Props skate bored, fake blood

Characters: jimmy, zombie, Alfred (rat)

Description of Scene: (Please explain what happens in this scene)
Jimmy looks into a class room full of students but cant see them just sees an empty room opens the door and sees a zombie and starts to run while zombie runs after him down corridors

Director/Camera Dan

P/A Dan

Sound Dan

Lighting Dan

Pritesh, Jenna

Additional information about how the scene will be filmed
The scene will be filmed with Pritesh running to a class room as a M.L.S and him opening the door so a close up of his face M.C.U seeing Jenna standing there looking at him and makes a zombie noise and starts running



Scene No: 2 Day/Time

Location: 4th floor

Props: skate bored, fake blood

Characters: jimmy, zombie, Alfred (rat)

Description of Scene: (Please explain what happens in this scene)
Jimmy sees a rat and follows it and then the rat starts running so jimmy starts chasing it down corridors

Director/Camera: Dan

P/A Dan

Sound Dan

Lighting Dan

Actors: Pritesh, Jenna

Additional information about how the scene will be filmed
M.L.S of Pritesh getting up and following something on the floor
Then starts running after the rat, then you see the rats point of view running, then he runs to a class room because he loses the rat



Scene No: 1 Day/Time 05/02/09

Location 4th floor

Props skate bored, fake blood

Characters: jimmy, Alfred (rat), zombie

Description of Scene: (Please explain what happens in this scene)
Jimmy is smoking weed in smoking area
Walks back to class room
Starts seeing things

Director/Camera: Dan. f

P/A: non

Sound: Dan.f

Lighting: Dan. f

Actors: Pritesh, Jenna

Additional information about how the scene will be filmed
The film will be filmed in the smoking area of a M.L.S of Pritesh’s face (jimmy)
Then it shall be filmed in a class room and it will be an M.L.S of him sitting down.


PROGRAMME TITLE: zombie la, la land

CAMERA OPERATOR: Jenna, Dan, Pristesh

DURATION: two minutes max

FORMAT: d.v (digital video)

The audience is for teenage people
Age 15-20
This short film would be suitable for teenage people because some take drugs and would find it funny to watch.


Kid chases ratRat runs awayzombie comes round cornerkid runs away

Kid- Jimmy
Rat- Alfred Zombie- Jenna